Red Flags Prompt

Daily writing prompt
What personality trait in people raises a red flag with you?

Effusive compliments

Expecting everyone at a gathering to legitimize and validate your bad mood, excuse your rude behavior. I don’t care if you’re tired, unhappy, had a bad day, whatever. Pull yourself together in public and save that transparency for an intimate setting.

Inappropriate flirting


How Do You Relax?-Prompt

Daily writing prompt
How do you relax?

  1. Rocking in a chair or in a glider/swing
  2. Choosing my own playlists to listen to. The most relaxing song? Probably “Sailing” by Christopher Cross
  3. Walking/Running
  4. Reading. Currently reading Broken Music: A Memoir by Sting and Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver
  5. Allowing myself to reminisce, indulging in nostalgia